The Nose Piercing

Yeah, so it wasn’t that long after the tattoo business that Kaylee needed a nose piercing.  “Just a little teeny one Mom”.  At this point I just throw my hands in the air and say, “You can wait til you are 18 for this one.  We did the tattoo thing, but if you’re going to want to put another hole in your head, you can do it when you’re old enough”.

So a few weeks later I had to take her to the dentist to get her teeth cleaned for senior pictures.  I had a horrible sinus headache.  My whole head ached.  As it turned out, All Tattoos (where they also conveniently do piercing!) is right down the street from the dentist office!  Wow!  Imagine our luck! 

With a raging head ache I was in no mood to delay the inevitable and we pulled in the parking lot.  This time I got to sign the consent form.  Now Kaylee is allergic to nickel so I had to make sure that there was no nickel in the piercing.  After talking with two employees there I was assured they only used surgical stainless steel which doesn’t contain nickel.  So great!  Everything was panning out nicely for this adventure.  Her nose got pierced with a tiny little sparkly stud and we went home.  It bled a lot at first but then slowed down.  She asked how it looked.  Studying the new addition to her beautiful face I said “Well, with the blood around the stone it sorta looks like a zit!”

Not impressed with my humor but still elated that she had won and got the piercing, we went home.

Where Did My Eye Roll Off To?

What happens to kids around 12 to make them so mean?  It’s like a convulsive transformation that makes their eyes roll all over the place, mostly up and almost out of their heads.  (I wonder what they are actually seeing there in the back of their eye sockets)
They suddenly can’t stand anything about you.  The parent becomes the absolute stupidest person on the face of the earth.  Lowly, like the cockroach.  We just pester the crap out of our kids just by breathing. 

Well…. I’m so glad THAT stage is finally over!  
You know, I’m a very blessed person.  God has granted me with three beautiful children and each of them knows everything about everything. 

They know FAR MORE than Shane and I did when we were that age.  (LOL).  It’s almost senseless to try and explain anything at all, because God has granted them all extraordinary wisdom to know everything there is to know about each and every facet of life!  Even if they haven’t lived it yet… I’m sure they won’t ever need any advice.  Besides, we’re both too stupid for that.  We were never their age you know.  We were born 40. 

Of course I can’t blame them for thinking this way.  Haven’t we all gone through this?  My mom and dad never knew anything either.  All the battles my mom and I used to have, all the running away because she just didn’t ‘get it.  She couldn’t possibly understand anything I was  going through because she grew up in like the horse and buggy days… how could she understand a kid in the 70’s?  It just wasn’t possible!

Man, my parents were so stupid back then!  LOL.  Now I’m the stupid one!  What a thing to inherit! 

The Middle Child

(written in 2007)

So.  We have three kids.  Two could care less about this blog.  The other is the da….da….da….da…. Middle Child.  Now, don’t think I’m a bad mom here.  I’m not calling her “Middle Child” because I’m mean or she’s like Cinderella or anything like that.  When she found out about this little blogging venture of mine, she elected to exercise a few rules of her own.

1.  I cannot use her picture on this site.  At least not one that clearly shows
her face.  She’s ‘going to be famous one day’ and doesn’t want this to
come back to haunt her or ruin her career’.  (See, I told you my kids were

2.  I cannot use her real name for the same reasons (plus she doesn’t want
her friends to rag on her)

So.  For the website/blog I’ve agreed to call her simply MIDDLE CHILD or maybe MC for short.  So when I talk about Middle Child it is because I’m forbidden to use her name.  Maybe instead of being a famous actress she should take up Law!

MC is my non-conformist.  She’s a great kid and not a troublemaker but she only does things on her own time.  Only when she’s good and ready and not a second sooner.  I always say she is the definition of Moxie.  Her sense of morals is second to none.  Sometimes I call her the ‘moral police’.  Enough said.

The kids’ got  a good head on her shoulders even if I’d like to knock it off sometimes.  You know… that whole teenage thing.